a retelling of Tennysons poem, directed by Martin Oebelman, performed by Sebastian Harcombe, Cherub Theatre, London. Site specific installation by Miriam Nabarro
photo MN
Tamasha Theatre/ Tron/ Arcola
Designed by Miriam Nabarro
Written by Sudha Bhucher
Directed by Philip Osment
by Philip Osment, after workshops at the Maudsley Hospital
directed by Jim Pope for Playing On
Light: Natasha Chivers
Co Design: Miriam Nabarro and Jemima Robinson
The Albany, Deptford Spring 2016
Mad Blud, edited+directed by Philip Osment, Theatre Royal Stratford East, 2011
Miriam Nabarro’s powerful set commanded attention with a very real resonance by revealing the names and ages of murdered teenagers on the walls.
A Younger Theatre
Written and directed by Philip Osment,
Developed over 5 years with young people and their communities affected by knife crime in Newham, using recorded delivery verbatim, this production was first performed on the main stage of TRSE, in traverse, with the shutter down, before touring local schools with a stripped down set. As the lights fell on the final scene, the names of all of the young people killed by knife crime in London since Damilola Taylor was murdered began to glow…
12 plays in four locations with 12 writers and 12 directors and one designer, with a van and a tool kit and some wonderful assistants! Here we transform a disused Wickes warehouse into the history of the River Thames on the Isle of Sheppey…
Design Miriam Nabarro
Direction Amy Leach
Orange Tree/ Dukes Lancaster
A play in the round exploring the rarely told stories of witchery on Lancaster Moor
‘The skull of the ensemble, the poetic clarity of Amy Leach’s direction and Miriam Nabarro’s design- and the power of the play itself, cast a strong spell’
**** The Guardian
Direction Jon Lloyd, Design Miriam Nabarro, animation, Paddy Malloy Light Phil Gladwell
Tapping the rich seam of imagery that conveys a coldly logical adult world at odds with the redemptive innocence of childhood... the glittering ice cold world of the Snow Queen is conjured through lighting, sound effects and animation... heart freezing shards of an enchanted mirror are picked out on whitewashed floorboards.. its the arresting visual tricks...that create the real drama in this snow bound story for Christmas TheStage,2010
Play commissioned by The Wellcome Trust to explore chronic fatigue and ME. Design Miriam Nabarro, Direction Jeff Teare
Hoxton Hall, directed by Di Trevis. The story of the futurist cookbook written by Marinetti and his love affair with Isadora Duncan…