Royal Exchange, Manchester/ Galway Festival/ Traverse, Edinburgh
European Premiere of Judith Thompson’s award winning trilogy of monologues about Iraq before and after the 2003 invasion.
Designed by Miriam Nabarro
Director Greg Hersov, Light Richard Owen
Amnesty International Freedom of Expression Award
"...combines the most penetrating images of the Iraq war into a compelling miniature - and it is often miniatures that come closest to perfection."
***** Guardian
Robert Demeger as Dr David Kelly
Formidable theatre Scotsman, 28 August 2009
Mesmerising performances.... close to perfection *****Elizabeth Kirkwood, The Telegraph 17 August 2009
A truly formidable piece of work- 3 absolutely stunning pieces together encompass the range of consequences of political decisions, from the individual human level right up to the stresses on society as a whole.Amnesty International UK
Eve Polycarpou as Nehrjas Al Saffrah, an Iraqi mother, who survived Saddam's secret police but was killed during the US bombing in the 1991 Persian Gulf War
Conceived as a series of spaces against a huge neon lightbox panel, inspired by the work of James Turrell, I reconfigured the studio of the Royal Exchange to allow a ghostly reveal at the climax of the trilogy. It later toured with the lightbox only.